Strings of lights are used for many ornamental purposes, such as decorating Christmas trees. Over the years, both parallel and series connections have been used for multilight strings powered by 120 V.3 Series-wired bulbs are safer than parallel-wired bulbs for indoor Christmas-tree use because series-wired bulbs operate with less light per bulb and at a lower temperature. However, if the filament of a single bulb fails (or if the bulb is removed from its socket), all the lights on the string are extinguished. The popularity of series-wired light strings diminished because troubleshooting a failed bulb was a tedious, time-consuming chore that involved trialand- error substitution of a good bulb in each socket along the string until the defective bulb was found.
In a parallel-wired string, each bulb operates at 120 V. By design, the bulbs are brighter and hotter than those on a series-wired string. As a result, these bulbs are inherently more dangerous (more likely to start a fire, for instance), but if one bulb in a parallel-wired string fails or is removed, the rest of the bulbs continue to glow. (A 25-bulb string of 4-W bulbs results in a power of 100 W; the total power becomes substantial when several strings are used.)
A new design was developed for so-called “miniature” lights wired in series, to prevent the failure of one bulb from extinguishing the entire string. The solution is to create a connection (called a jumper) across the filament after it fails. (If an alternate connection existed across the filament before it failed, each bulb would represent a parallel circuit; in this circuit, the current would flow through the alternate connection, forming a short circuit, and the bulb would not glow.) When the filament breaks in one of these miniature lightbulbs, 120 V appears across the bulb because no current is present in the bulb and therefore no drop in potential occurs across the other bulbs. Inside the lightbulb, a small loop covered by an insulating material is wrapped around the filament leads. An arc burns the insulation and connects the filament leads when 120 V appears across the bulb—that is, when the filament fails. This “short” now completes the circuit through the bulb even though the filament is no longer active (Fig. 28.10).
Suppose that all the bulbs in a 50-bulb miniature-light string are operating. A 2.4-V potential drop occurs across each bulb because the bulbs are in series. The power input to this style of bulb is 0.34 W, so the total power supplied to the string is only 17 W. We calculate the filament resistance at the operating temperature to be (2.4 V)2/(0.34 W)= 17 Ohm. When the bulb fails, the resistance across its terminals is reduced to zero because of the alternate jumper connection mentioned in the preceding paragraph. All the other bulbs not only stay on but glow more brightly because the total resistance of the string is reduced and consequently the current in each bulb increases.

Let us assume that the operating resistance of a bulb remains at 17 Ohm even though its temperature rises as a result of the increased current. If one bulb fails, the potential drop across each of the remaining bulbs increases to 2.45 V, the current increases from 0.142A to 0.145 A, and the power increases to 0.354 W. As more lights fail, the current keeps rising, the filament of each bulb operates at a higher temperature, and the lifetime of the bulb is reduced. It is therefore a good idea to check for failed (nonglowing) bulbs in such a series-wired string and replace them as soon as possible, in order to maximize the lifetimes of all the bulbs.